'Preacher' Season 3: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Sonsabitches'


2. Another Lengthy Flashback

Preacher Sonsabitches

The flashbacks in Preacher have always been very informative, there's no denying that. Whether they fill us in on Jesse's past, or show what type of torment the Saint of Killers was forced to endure during his time in hell, the flashbacks have been filled with important information - information which we couldn't have discovered without them.

However, as noted here, the flashbacks in Season 3 haven't been as effective as they've been in the past. It's worth remembering that Preacher isn't on a premium cable network - nor is it on a steaming service - and as a result the show has to leave enough time for commercial breaks. Because of this, Preacher tends to run at about 45 minutes, which is short in comparison to the likes of Game Of Thrones or Stranger Things. And yet, with this limited time, both episodes of Season 3 have spent a good 5-8 minutes on a flashback, which leaves much less room for the present-day narrative.

Unless the show can work out something with AMC for an extended episode here or there, the writers would be better off condensing the flashbacks and releasing the information in other ways - such as through dialogue.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.