2. Arrested Development
Yes, it is finally happening. After many rumors of revival, more rumors of revival in movie form, tweets, hints in interviews, and pretty much everybody outright saying it was happening, it finally is happening. The Bluth family is back. For real. Arrested Development season 4 is a reality. Like, there is
proof and everything. Thanks to Netflix deciding to expand its horizons into original programming (which has led to the fantastic horror/mystery Hemlock Grove), Arrested Development is getting an honest to goodness season 4 after 7,
count them, 7 years in the grave. I know I'm probably supposed to write more than this on this page, but how could we possibly need to say anything else about this news. The show was cancelled 7 years ago by Fox, and now thanks to Netflix it will live again. Rejoice, oh fans of Arrested Development. Let us share a frozen banana in celebration! Seriously though, if you have ever watched this show, hopefully this is as exciting for you as it is for me. Arrested Development has to be one of the smartest comedies that I have ever watched, and I am so excited about seeing it return to the airwaves. Hopefully, the show is able to recapture the wit and humor of the original 3 seasons, which are some of my favorite seasons of television of all time.