5 Darkest Black Mirror Moments (So Far)
2. Kenny Gets A Call From His Mother
Shut Up and Dance is probably the bleakest episode of the entire show, bordering on nihilistic. From the moment Kenny realizes he'd been recorded masturbating, everyone in the audience knew, deep down, that the video was going to be released. It had to be, or it would've been anticlimactic. (And more importantly, it wouldn't have been Black Mirror.)
But it isn't until Kenny robs the bank that it becomes clear there's something more going on here. A video of you masturbating is embarrassing, sure, but it's not embarrassing enough to commit a felony over.
When the guy in the woods asked, "how young were they?" a lot of viewers chose to believe the guy was merely projecting. The idea that Kenny, the innocent-looking kid we've been rooting for this whole time, was a paedophile, was too hard to stomach.
And then Kenny gets that call from his heartbroken mother, and it's undeniable: Kenny was looking at child porn. Everything Kenny did and said throughout the episode -- the scene with the little girl, him looking at the child's drawings, his paranoia over his sister using his laptop -- takes on an entirely new meaning.