5 Darkest BoJack Horseman Theories

1. Diane Will Die In A Car Crash

BoJack Fan Theories

This is the only prediction of sorts on the list (though arguably both Mr. Peanutbutter’s manipulation and Hollyhock’s illness could still come to light), but considering how often the show has used foreshadowing previously, it’s definitely worth exploring.

The only crucial piece of evidence here is that Diane is nicknamed ‘Princess Diana’ when her therapist gives her and BoJack fake names to protect their identity when telling their stories to her wives. This may well prove to be the ‘don’t choke any women’ moment fans look back on if things pan out as predicted.

Diana famously died in a car crash in a tunnel, and the season ends with Diane driving into a tunnel before the cut to black. Even with all this though, a spin-off of the theory by u/Magik_boi gets darker; it won’t be an accident, but a suicide attempt.

Strangely for a show so concerned with background continuity, Diane never unpacks her boxes in her new apartment; maybe she’s been planning this for a while. She rejects getting back together with Mr. Peanutbutter, she leaves Philbert and still feels unfulfilled, and after dropping BoJack off at rehab, the anxiety hinted at in her character might become too much for her.

What are your favourite BoJack theories? Let us know down in the comments.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)