5 HUGE Plot Holes You Didn't Notice In Crisis On Infinite Earths

3. Earth-90 Flash's Death

Arrowverse Crisis On Infinite Earths Poster
The CW

The Monitor's emphatic belief that The Flash must die in the Crisis came to fruition during the crossover, but not in the way he anticipated. That's right, Earth-90's Barry Allen decided to return to the cosmic treadmill of which he had been recently freed, and overran it (literally) until he disintegrated - destroying the machine in the process.

However, if running into oblivion was the way in which a Flash was supposed die all along, couldn't either Barry have just created a time remnant in order to stop it? Yes, a version of whichever respective Flash was fated to die would indeed have disintegrated, but that would have allowed the main version of him to survive at the same time.

Now, our Barry Allen learned his lesson with time remnants due to the whole Savitar debacle, but when it's a time-sensitive life-or-death end-of-the-world scenario such as this that could have literally saved both him and Earth-90 Flash from dying and saved the multiverse, wasn't the risk worth the reward?


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.