5 Mind Blowing Facts You Don’t Know About Sons Of Anarchy

2. Jax Teller Is Actually British And Starred In The Very British, Queer As Folk

queer as folk Sons Of Anarchy protagonist Jax Teller is played by Charlie Hunnam who was actually born in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. Jax Teller constantly struggles throughout the series with the longing and struggle to reach his end game, whilst striving to stay loyal to his family, his brotherhood and fulfilling his late father€™s legacy. Clearly, Jax has a lot on his plate and is a cult favourite on the show. Hunnam has the accent down to a tee and wears his SOA €œKutte€ like a pro, he plays the bad boy with a baby face who everyone loves to love and a lot of the brotherhood look up to, despite his young age. Who would€™ve guessed that such an all- American character is played by a Brit? Charlie Hannam began his career in Newcastle based series Byker Grove, the young Geordie then went on to star in Queer As Folk as a gay youth finding his way around the gay scene. Queer as Folk was a very sexually explicit and bold television show and no doubt gave Charlie Hannam the freedom to explore his range as an actor which would be crucial at such a young age, and could have possible influenced decisions made further on in his career.

Lady from Liverpool, UK with a BA in English Literature and American Studies currently residing in lovely Melbourne, Australia. Writing and indulging in everything music and television from Kanye West to True Blood. If your a TV fanatic, music lover or just want to have a little nose at what I have to say, check out my blog at aleafoutofhollysbook.wordpress.com