5 Reasons NBC's Dracula Should Have A Second Season

2. Mina Murray €“ Will She Find Out About Dracula?

As soon as Mina and Dracula had sex everyone was glad, as people were probably getting fed up with the anticipation of them even kissing, let alone anything else. The beauty of this series is that every episode leading up to the finale was like a gross dimly-lit segment of foreplay and titillation. The very thought of Mina and Dracula was enough to keep women watching and almost discredit all the other sub-plots that had developed. Although these star-crossed lovers are part and parcel of the Dracula franchise. If there is a second season they need to address this element with the same fresh attitude and contemporary progression as the rest of the series. Mina and Dracula could be together or they couldn't €“ and hell, Dracula could even die €“ but there's a reason Twilight, True Blood and The Vampire Diaries are popular €“ the undead guy gets his girl and we get to watch that happen with cheap perverted appreciation.
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Elizabeth is a 22 year old student working towards a degree in Film Studies and Journalism at DeMontfort University Leicester. Her favourite film is Withnail and I and she has a rare and annoying talent for quoting any film she has seen. She also works part time at DMU's official Hammer Archive. You can follow her blog for other film ramblings: www.bloggybalboa.wordpress.com