5 Reasons Pushing Daisies Should Be Revived On Netflix

5. Its Whimsical Charm Through Storytelling

Ned owns a pie shop called The Pie Hole where he does his baking with all sorts of dead ingredients, such as expired fruits. Being gifted and/or cursed with "the ability to bring people back from the dead for a minute through a single touch before having to touch them again otherwise someone else will die" was a great narrative flourish to the story. It really set up the rules in the show's own universe that always worked extremely well. It was the general conceit of the narrative that gave a lot of pathos and gravitas to Ned's "selfish" need to keep Chuck alive. This is the kind of show that doesn't come around very often and needs to be saved, just by how utterly charming and enjoyable each episode is. Pushing Daisies only ran for a total of 22 episodes and yet not a single one was ever a poorly done episode. No part of the show's narrative ever felt out of place or like unnecessary filler for the grander story arcs. Every bit of the show served a purpose towards a grander scheme of things that never got a chance to properly take off.

Philip Clarke is a 21-year old graduate of the SAIT Film and Video Production Program. He spends his days working on his novels and feature film screenplays. His favourite film is GoodFellas. He goes to the theatre to watch movies on a weekly basis to feed his cinematic addictions.