5 Reasons Why Dexter Needs To Call It Quits

1. There Is No Suspense Left on Dexter

Dexter 2 This is what the previous four reasons were all heading towards - they all build upon each other and have lead to absolutely no suspense whatsoever on the show. When I watched the early seasons of Dexter, you really didn€™t know whether or not he was going to get out of a situation. The Ice Truck Killer upped the ante by kidnapping Deb; this was followed by Doakes discovering that Dexter was the Bay Harbor Butcher. You felt like there was really something at stake or that Dexter could lose everything. Was there a more spine-tingling moment then when the Trinity Killer walked into the police station and said €œHello, Dexter Morgan€? Right then and there, you knew that Dexter€™s entire cover could be blown, and that his life could completely change. Now, you don€™t for one second think that something isn€™t going to work out for Dexter. Dexter has crossed over in untouchable hero territory. The shining example of this was the kill early in this past season that took place in a crowded airport. I€™m not one to call shows out for bending the rules of what€™s realistic and what€™s not, but I can€™t overlook something so obvious. If anyone thinks that for one second anyone would get away with killing someone in an airport in this post-9/11 world, I would have to assume that you lost half of your brain in some sort of accident. It wasn€™t even the actual kill that baffled me the most, was how easy Dexter just slipped past airport security. I had to take my shoes off as I walked through security in a one-gate airport in rural Kentucky last year. If they have that stiff of a security in a fairly low-risk airport, I highly doubt Dexter would be able to get needles through the Miami airport just by telling the worker that they were for his diabetes. Never once have I tried to get a needle through security, tell the guard some crap excuse about diabetes, and have the guard say €œSeems legit,€ and pass me through. He then goes on to kill a man in baggage claim (despite cameras being everywhere), and then is still be able to sneak him out with no one noticing. If you can execute an airport kill without even a hint that it isn€™t going to work out, the suspense that your show once had is completely gone. Also, now that Deb knows that Dexter is a killer, you don€™t have to worry about the police finding out who he is. Captain LaGuerta confronted Deb with some evidence that would have been damning to her and Dexter, but she gets killed later in that episode, thus killing any sort of suspense that would bring. Dexter is now in a world where he can pretty much get away with anything and not have to worry about any consequences, even random loose ends like Louis (the police department intern and video game designer) get tied up nicely in roundabout ways. Dexter is now no longer a serial killing anti-hero, but rather an untouchable serial killing superhero. In conclusion, it pains me to write so passionately about why one of my favorite shows needs to call it quits. I just can€™t stand to see the show suffer from poor writing, lack of suspense, and idiotic plotlines just for the sake of putting out another season. Season eight will undoubtedly debut to huge ratings numbers, but in order to keep the audience€™s attention (and validate even going to eight seasons); the show needs to undergo a drastic change. If you can€™t top it, stop€even if that means putting €œDexter€ on his own table of cancellation. Agree? Disagree? Think I need to end up on Dexter€™s table for this list?! Comment below!
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I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify