5 Reasons Why Doctor Who Prequel Should Never Happen

4. It's Unneeded

Admittedly you could say this of practically any element of the Doctor Who franchise since the original programme doesn€™t need extended universe material to survive, but the other spin-offs aren€™t having a direct impact on the original programme and drastically changing its mythology. While a prequel would have to, by its very nature, be altering what already exists or at least the audience's perception of it. And that€™s what makes a Doctor Who prequel unneeded. The damage it could do to both Doctor Who and the Doctor as a character isn€™t justified by its hypothetical artistic merit. It€™s a similar case of affairs for some of the other extended universe material like the spin-off novel Lungbarrow; which introduces entirely new concepts of how Gallifreyans are born as well as establishing and introducing the Doctor€™s extended family. But unlike Lungbarrow, a TV prequel would be indisputably canon and the programme would have to abide by its established rules and the new material created for it from that point on. And despite televised Doctor Who adventures all sharing the same level of canonicity, the spin-offs should be following Doctor Who's lead. Not the other way around.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.