5 Reasons Why The Office And M*A*S*H Are Secretly The Same Show

2. The Equally Stuck-Up Female Worker (Angela Martin/Margaret Houlihan)

margaret houlihan Whenever the Stuck Up, By the Book Worker has had an unusually bad day, he can always turn to his one true companion - the Equally Stuck-Up Female Worker. Together, the lash out at their laid-back co-workers, and secretly plot to overthrow their Leader. But their primary wrath is directed towards the Handsome Witty Lead Man and his many pranks (which are usually directed at them). The Office... has Angela Martin, a woman with an important position and considerable power (Head of the Accounting Department) who thinks she has a secret relationship with Dwight, despite the fact that nearly everyone knows about it. Nonetheless, she does eventually betray him when she becomes engaged to Andy Bernard, but they later call off the wedding. M*A*S*H... has Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan, a woman with an important position and considerable power (Rank of Major, Head Nurse at the 4077th), who thinks she has a secret relationship with Frank Burns, despite the fact that nearly everyone knows about it. Nonetheless, she does eventually betray him when she marries Lt. Colonel Donal Penobscot, but they later divorce. So, let's review...

Armed with a laptop, a Pepsi, and a swivel chair, J.D. sets out to uncover the deepest secrets of the film world. Or, ya know, just write random movie-related lists. Either way....