5 Reasons Why True Detective Is Going To Be Cancelled

1. They're Never Going To Top Season 1

True Detective Cancelled

One thing running through all the previous points is the idea that Season 1 of the show was a landmark of television that casts an almost unfairly large shadow. And with it being such an untouchable run at this point, maybe it's worth just accepting that they're not going to top it.

There's an element of lightening-in-a-bottle to it. The development stage was so protracted no business would approve it and while we'd already started to see movie actors make the leap to TV, this was the first time where they'd done so in elevated material that used the episode structure to do something a movie couldn't. It was a dense show, with countless influences from across culture and a story that required its actors to really push their characters. It was (and still is) like nothing else.

There's very little hope of topping it and maybe we were wrong to see it anything more than a one-off in the first place. If we definitely aren't getting a Season 3, maybe that's how it should have stayed.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.