5 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 5

2. The Return of the Phantom Menace

The worst decision in cinematic history in regards to killing a character has to be Darth Maul. With his reemergence in the Clone Wars, the main question would be how exactly has Darth Maul managed to survive being cut in half? As it turns out, having a lot of hatred and immense power in the dark side can get you through a lot, but the whole ordeal had left him insane. He was found by his brother Savage Opress on the hellish planet of Lotho Minor, to which Savage took him to Mother Talzin, a witch with dark magic. She was able to extract the corrupting influence of the dark side from Maul's mind, as well as giving him mechanical legs. When Maul regained his sanity, vengeance against Obi-Wan was number one in his priorities. Though where we left him off in season 4, he postponed his pursuit of Obi Wan to pursue an unknown ulterior path. Gathering from the trailers, Darth Maul and Savage Opress have offered their services to the Death Watch, presumably seeking a power base to fight against those that would threaten them. Though it's worth noting, even though he may help Pre Vizsla reclaim Mandalore, it doesn't necessarily mean he will let him keep his power. Maul's relationship with Savage has yet to be explored, but with Savage's caring attitude towards his deceased brother, a state he's responsible for, could play into their relationship, adding interesting layers between the two and perhaps some redeeming qualities. Darth Maul returning can only make the show better, adding conflict on both sides of the war, as well as giving Star Wars fans the chance to see his character fully realized.

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