Part of Malvo's plan to take out Lester included him stealing a car that looked exactly like the car most F.B.I. agents drive. The salesman was used as a decoy, allowing Malvo to get the drop on Pepper and Budge before going into Lester's house to finish off the man who brought him back to town. As Malvo stood over the bodies of the slain agents, the man looked at him and said "Please. I have a little girl." It has been established that Malvo will kill just about anyone who he feels is a threat to his job or way of life, but in this instance, he apparently showed some leniency. The next time we saw the driveway, Malvo had taken off in the agent's car while the other vehicle was nowhere to be seen, indicating that he let the salesman go without putting a bullet in his head. Most of the deaths in Fargo have been jarring, but what's even more surprising is the fact that he chose not to kill one of the few people who had seen his face up close and could easily identify him to the authorities. Just when you think you know how this show is going to work, the writers take in in a different direction and give a totally unimportant character a pass.
I have been a writer for Bleacher Report for several years, and am now happy to also be a writer at What Culture! I do my best to contribute anywhere I can in a positive way, and that includes in my writing. Some people call me The Doctor, but Chris is fine.