5 Things Whovians Want In Doctor Who Season 13

2. New Companion

Jodie Whittaker 13th Doctor

We know a new companion is a definite certainty! In the new series, we will meet John Bishop’s character, Dan Lewis. Dan will join the TARDIS crew and travel the universe with the Doctor and Yaz for the season.

We assume Dan is from the modern-day, but what fans want to see is a non-contemporary companion. There’s only so many times we can have the “bigger on the inside” commentary or the explanation of aliens the audience has met a million times before. We deserve a companion who is not of our time - or even an alien!

Companions from the past would marvel at simple things that we take for granted and make even a typical modern-day episode feel somewhat futuristic and special. Someone from the future could look at modern episodes as historical and be awed by how we used to live. An alien companion could even add some interest to the team, which is always very… human.

Understandably, the companion is the lens that the audience experience the adventure, but it would be so much more interesting to see things from a different perspective for a change.

Maybe this is where Vinder will come in to play? If not a past or future version of the Doctor, Vinder is hyped to be a big character, so maybe they will serve as a secondary companion?

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Simon is a writer, cat dad and presenter of a geeky radio show with his husband. He loves Doctor Who (except 10 who can get in the bin…only joking.) He idolises Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lara Croft and would 100% be a Sith Lord in a galaxy far, far away. He wishes life was like a musical so he’d actually be a good singer.