1. Him & Her
If you like authenticity, youll love Him & Her. Approaching its fourth and final season, the Russell Tovey and Sarah Solemani led show has their relationship right the forefront. The show doesnt require an extensive plot in order to engage an audience, because the charming and realistic performances of its lead cast keep this train chugging along. This show is a rare insight into the nooks and crannies of TV relationships that you dont regularly see. The couple are usually on their own, allowing for them to seamlessly move from one situation to another, whilst retaining that degree of authenticity. Whether it be arachnids running riot or their regular sexual propositions, the relationship between Tovey and Solemanis characters never feels forced. Perhaps the only downside is that the show often falls back into the stereotypical sitcom formula, with the weird neighbour and the insensitive relative, but the writers are smart not to dedicate enough time to them. Thankfully. Are there any more shows you think deserve more love? Share your picks below.