6 Best Female Villains In New Doctor Who (And Why They Work So Well)

1. Missy

Every incarnation of the Master is interesting in its way but Michelle Gomez€™s portrayal of the renegade Time Lord is sublime. Missy is the perfect hybrid of old school Master and new Who sensibility. She is a complete sociopath €“ charming her way past a person€™s defenses and dispatching them without care. She is every bit as intelligent as the Doctor if not more so and she has one clear goal. Missy is not truly concerned with the destruction of the Earth or the fate of the Universe or anything at all really except gaining the Doctor€™s attention. As long as his eyes are on her she is happy. Missy is a stone cold killer but she is far from cardboard. Michelle Gomez€™s Master has real depth and a deep connection to the Doctor that€™s twisted but believable. You have a sense there was once a close and valued relationship between these two people and while it has deteriorated it still means something to both of them. Missy is an object lesson for the Doctor. She is what he may become without a companion to remind him of the wonder of the universe and the importance of compassion. Missy ends this list because she is the embodiment of one of the harshest truths we are forced to learn in life - there is no greater enemy than one who used to be a friend.
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Mary Ogle is the author and illustrator of “Orangeroof Zoo” a whimsical tale of magical realism told through the pages of a coloring book for adults. Working as a professional artist in the digital medium, Mary’s commissions have included everything from fine art to fan art, book cover design, illustration and book layout. Find more of Mary’s work at www.maryogle.com. Mary currently finds inspiration in the Ojai Valley, residing in a snug little cottage with a recalcitrant cat.