6 New Stars Of Star Trek To Watch Out For

1. Jack Quaid - Boimler

Star Trek Discovery Detmer
Gage Skidmore via Wiki Commons/CBS

Jack Quaid is Brad Boimler, the neurotic main character of Star Trek: Lower Decks. He is desperate to become a captain, though he is a long, long way off getting there. Having said that, he revels in the work that he is given, enough to say that it won't be for want of effort!

Quaid is currently starring as Hughie in Amazon's The Boys, the hapless yet determined man who is trying to avenge his girlfriend's death at the hands/speed of a Supe. The series is enjoying a huge success online, meaning that he is starring in two excellent shows at the same time.

He got his first gig in The Hunger Games, in a small role. From there, he appeared in a cameo in the sequel, before a slightly larger role in Steven Soderbergh's Lucky Logan.

He will also appear in the upcoming fifth Scream movie, set for release in 2022.

His distinctive voice allows him to stand out in the show, as he seems to have always downed three or four pots of coffee before reading any of his lines. Boimler is an uncomfortable and fun character, a good foil for Mariner and a good suck up when its needed.

Thankfully, between Quaid, Newsome and the remaining cast, Star Trek: Lower Decks has one of the most compelling and upbeat cast of characters from the franchise!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick