6 New TV Shows You Should Be Watching

2. The Blacklist

First, I want to personally welcome James Spader back into my life. I would also like to congratulate NBC on bringing me to their network for the first time since Friends. The Blacklist reminds me a lot of when Criminal Minds made me squirm with discomfort at the daring, creepy, sadistic things villains did on the show. I will cite the 4th episode this season, The Stewmaker, as one that particularly freaked me out. And I loved it. Thank goodness the show has thus far avoided falling into the procedural trap €“ while we have a general idea of what we're tuning into each week, nothing about the show has become predictable. The only bad thing I can possibly identify about this show is the terrible wig they've forced on Megan Boone. It genuinely looks like something you would find buried in high school prop room. Hopefully, the producers realize how much the fans hate it and will just let the woman use her real hair. The Blacklist is so good that I can even forgive the fact that it is infuriatingly difficult to figure out what's going to happen next. And really, we may never know whether or not Red Reddington is Agent Keen's biological father... however, we will be finding out this month how the show is going to progress, and you should be here for it.

Katy Hannah hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.