6 Other Breaking Bad Characters Worthy Of Their Own Spinoff

2. Gustavo Fring

AMC Cool as a cucumber, deadly as a box jellyfish, and still shrouded in mystery to this day, Machiavellian villain Gustavo Fring is as strong a candidate as any for his own show. Gilligan intentionally left much of the lethal chicken tycoon€™s origin story under wraps, and while this adds to his intrigue, we€™d be more than curious to see him spearhead a prequel set in Pinochet-ruled Chile. Rumour has it that he served in the military there. There are plenty of other avenues to explore with Fring, from his past dealings with the Cartel and the events leading up to the murder of his Los Pollos Hermanos partner Maximino Arciniega (as seen in a BB flashback), to the circumstances that pushed him into the drug trade in the first place. A Fring solo project has potential as a period piece. Setting it within the years of Pinochet's tenure - which ran between 1973 and 1990 - would give Gilligan and co the chance to explore the impact of the military dictatorship on the people of Chile. With an expansive timeline, there would also be ample opportunity to flesh out Fring's deadly rivalry with a young Hector Salamanca.

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