6 Reasons Community Was Just Cancelled

1. Dan Harmon Didn't Get On With Many People, Least Of All The Network

Aside from his feud with Chevy Chase, it's also been widely reported that Harmon came to blows with a great many people working on (or, rather, above) the show during his time on it. Mostly he railed against the network and studio executives who tried to curb his process and assigned other producers to keep an eye on and control him. Isn't it funny that a guy who created a show with such an anti-authoritarian bent should have such a problem with being manipulated and told what to do? Anyway, that might all have been fine if Harmon had just bitched about his overlords to his friends and random bartenders like most people do about their work problems, but the Community creator has a few more public outlets than others, from his Tumblr blog Dan Harmon Poops to his Twitter account and even his own personal live show/podcast Harmontown, on which he regularly extolled the sins of NBC and Sony. It was a difficult relationship on both ends, and it wouldn't be surprising to learn that NBC's head of production Bob Greenblatt wanted to cancel Community just so that he didn't have to struggle with Harmon any more.
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Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.