6 Reasons You Need To Watch Big Mouth

4. It's Serialized Without Relying On The Format

Big Mouth

There's still something to be said for episodic television. It's really a privilege to go back to your old favorites like The Simpsons and just pick up a classic episode to watch, not having to worry about too many callbacks or multiple entangling arcs. You could just watch and enjoy the episode for what it was.

The serialized format has definitely been a boon for shows that would have been too ambitious for older eras of TV. But for many shows, especially the ones made to be binged, the weight of individual episodes feels lost in favor of the broad arcs told throughout a series.

Big Mouth certainly uses serialization, but unlike many shows on Netflix, it strives to make each episode feel distinct and complete on its own. It's the rare show where instead of feeling compelled to binge the entire season again for a re-watch, you can just drop in on, say, the episode where Jay gets his pillow pregnant, without feeling like you're missing something critical.

Speaking as someone who truly loves classic episodic animated shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad, Big Mouth is exactly what's needed when BoJack Horseman gets too heavy and tangled.

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Big Mouth
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