6 Supporting TV Characters Who Stole The Show (And 3 Who Never Should Have)

4. Steve Harrington - Stranger Things

Stranger Things Steve

If you've just started watching Stranger Things, you're probably really confused by the fact that Steve 'The Hair' Harrington has found his way onto this list (also stop now, there are spoilers on this list - what's wrong with you?!), but that shock you're probably feeling is exactly the reason why he belongs on it.

Nancy Wheeler's insanely attractive but insanely selfish boyfriend may have been designed to keep her away from Jonathan, but he wasn't quite as unbearable as the archetypal '80s YA movie villain that he was clearly modelled after. That said, it did initially seem like there was very little going on behind Steve's good looks. But when all hell broke loose in Hawkins, he rose to the challenge - dropping the stereotypes to fight for his town while forming surprising new friendships in the process.

Since then, the writers have continued to buck the trend by having Steve remain at the heart of the story, even long after Nancy and Jonathan got together. His endearing friendship with Dustin, and surprisingly incredible knack for being 'mom Steve' allowed him to tag along with the kids on all their adventures and that, along with his incredible character development, ensured that he became more relevant to the plot than both Nancy or Jonathan. Ironic, right?

A character that was initially meant to be killed off, Stranger Things simply wouldn't be what it is without the fan-favourite 'Ahoy boy'.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.