7 Best Spider-Man TV Shows

2. Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003)

key_art_spider_man1 Much like Spider-Man Unlimited, Spider-Man: The New Animated series was tragically short-lived only lasting a brief 13 episodes. For as long as it lasted, the show depicted a more mature version of Spider-Man, one that approached situations realistically. Danger was typically high, and adult situations weren't uncommon with death being openly addressed with Norman Osborn being dead in the context of the show, causing Harry Osborn to hate and crave revenge against Spider-Man. The demographic was more teenage than child, with the series being loosely based on and following Sam Raimi's Spider-Man (2002). This mean't it had the ability to have on-going season plot sequences, and not simply refresh the plot with each new villain with it drawing from the film as continuity. In addition the show initially aired on MTV, which makes a lot more sense considering its demographic, and the inherent attempt at maturing Spider-Man. The animation was cell-shaded and 3D and had fantastic production values, in addition it had a very talented voice cast behind the characters. Neil Patrick Harris provided the voice for Peter Parker, with guest talents from the likes of Stan Lee, Clancy Brown, Rob Zombie, and Michael Clarke Duncan. It had a free license to do what it wanted with the shows villains, and offered some interesting variants on classic Spidey rogues, such as Electro, and Kraven. After its first season which ended on the two part cliffhanger 'Mind Games', its low ratings was reason enough to cancel the show. The New Animated Series had an incredibly textured tone to its animation and personality, and mainly received low ratings due to its mostly non-existent advertising campaign and ill suiting spot on MTV.

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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.