7 Dangerous Stereotypes In Glee

1. "Evil Gay"

This is probably TV and Film's favourite, most overused and insulting stereotype there is. The media loves to portray gay or slightly effeminate males as villains, and this trait played a huge role in film and TV in the 80's and 90's (see Silence of The Lambs for your best example of this). When the media wasn't using gay characters in these roles, they were likely using British actors pretending to be German... and I have a feeling a lot Americans think all British people are homosexuals anyway. Even as a huge fan of Buffy, another show that like Glee has done a lot for the gay rights movement and public opinion, even Buffy delved into this stereotype when Willow became the Big Bad of Season 6 (in fact, the "Crazy Redhead" category could also fit her in this season too). Sebastian Smythe, the antagonist and leader of the rival show choir the Warblers in Season 3, was not only a homosexual predator out to steel Blaine (another appalling stereotype) but also a villain out to even use violent means to win at regionals. He almost blinds Blaine in perhaps the silliest storyline Glee has ever come up with (despite the episode actually being pretty good) but he also insults everyone and has his part to blame in the attempted suicide of another Glee character. Also, despite their characters in the show actually being straight, you could argue that the gay actors Jane Lynch, Niel Patrick Harris and Cheyenne Jackson also played "evil gays" in the series - all gay in real life and all antagonists. This all said, Glee is one of the best shows on TV at including and representing LGBT characters and there are plenty of lovely gay characters including Kurt and Blaine on the show to perhaps cancel this one out a little. Had the only gay character on the show who was gay been the villain then this would have been unforgivable... but because there are about 8 gay characters and only a few of them are ever antagonists this is probably actually a fair and equal representation of homosexuals. HONOURABLE MENTIONS: "Irish Leprechaun Type" (Rory) "Smart Asians" (Mike and Tina) "Asians Who Are All The Same, And Have The Same Last Names" (Mike Chang and Tina Cohen Chang) "Gay Teacher Sexual Predator" (Sandy Ryerson) "Fashion Obsessed Gay Guy" (Kurt Hummel) "Transgendered/Transvestite- The Two Are Not The Same!!!" (Wade "Unique" Adams) Thanks for reading, and if I missed any great ones out, please inform me in the comments section, but don't let this put you off Glee or turn you away... it truly is one of the most exciting things on TV at the moment and I could probably have conducted this same list for most TV shows anyway. At least Glee is still very good at representing a vast majority of minority characters, much more so than almost every other. Despite these stereotypes (which for the most part are intentional and satirical,) I still love the show.
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I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at danieljamesbowen@hotmail.co.uk)