7 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Have Seemingly Disappeared

3. Blackfish Tully

Last Seen: Blackfish Tully - uncle to the late Catelyn - was last seen disappearing to the toilet, moments before Walder Frey and Roose Bolton unleashed their brutal attack on the Starks. One could look at his absence as suspicious - did he know of the impending attack and wished to be far away when the blow was landed? On the other hand, Blackfish was fiercely loyal to the Northern Rebellion and to Robb Stark's leadership and a betrayal seems entirely out of character. Perhaps it was simply good fortune that he escaped the massacre. Looking Forward: There is a chance that Blackfish was murdered by the Boltons in the aftermath of the wedding. Likely drunk, he could have been caught unaware and taken out along with the rest of them. It's a scene worthy of taking place onscreen however, and by it's omission, suggests that he got out alive. If so, it's likely he returned to Riverrun to regroup. His most likely reintroduction would, as Arya Stark's living relatives dwindle, come through the Hound attempting once again to get payment for his hostage.

Aspiring screenwriter. Avid Gooner. Saving the rest of the self-descriptive stuff for the autobiography.