7 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Have Seemingly Disappeared

2. Gendry

Last Seen: Gendry has served as one of the few characters to bridge the gap between Dragonstone and the rest of Westeros. Tricked by Melisandre, the blacksmith and bastard-son of Robert Baratheon was locked in the dungeons of his unknowing uncle, Stannis, at the beseech of the Red Woman. Freed by Ser Davos, we last seen Gendry returning to King's Landing aboard a small rowing boat, having just been informed that he has arguably one of the greatest claims to the thrones in the whole of the kingdom. So he's a pretty big deal. The only thing is, fans of the show have seen neither hide nor hair of him since series 3's curtain shut and so much has gone on since, that he's fast disappearing from audience memory. Looking Forward: Gendry will undoubtedly have a role to play before the story finally wraps up, but his lack of political influence suggests the his full potential might never be achieved. As we've come to learn in Game Of Thrones, 'not achieving' tends to get you killed. One can only fear for Gendry if and when the Lannisters ever catch wind of his existence and the potentially dynasty-ending threat he possesses.

Aspiring screenwriter. Avid Gooner. Saving the rest of the self-descriptive stuff for the autobiography.