7 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Have Seemingly Disappeared

1. Benjen Stark

Last Seen: Benjen Stark - Ned's younger brother and uncle to the remaining Stark children - has not made an appearance in Game Of Thrones since the third episode of series one. With but a few of scenes alongside Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister and Ned Stark to establish the character, very little was seen of Benjen before news of his disappearance reached both characters and audience; an event that took place off-screen. Since then, his name has faded from the lips of everyone - including Jon who's initial attempts to find his uncle have been put to one side in the wake of Mance Rayder's attack. Looking Forward: It's hard to imagine that Benjen has survived this long north of the wall and death seems almost an inevitability. However, one can never be too sure about anything that goes on in those snowy tundras, as we've already seen that corpse reanimation is well within the realms of possibility. Maybe he's alive and defected to Mance Rayder's wildling army or maybe he died and subsequently became a White Walker - but as Bran and the Reeds delve deeper into their quest, one can't help but think there's more to come of Benjen Stark yet.

Aspiring screenwriter. Avid Gooner. Saving the rest of the self-descriptive stuff for the autobiography.