7 Reasons To Look Forward To The Narnia Reboot

3. The CGI Should Be Breaktaking

Netflix Narnia

A lot has changed in way of CGI since 2005, or even since 2010. What was considered spectacular CGI then will look like child's play next to what is possible today.

Many who were fans of Narnia when the films were initially released will tell you just how breathtaking the special effects were. Aslan is the best litmus test for this, as he was considered the most impressive CGI of the films and now looking at him it is surprising how cartoonish he actually looks. It just goes to show how incredible the leaps and bounds by which the CGI industry has jumped in the last ten years.

Should Netflix bring in the right team for the project the show and its subsequent films should be visually stunning. It's not like they'll struggle to finance them.


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