7 Reasons We Need Hannibal Season 4

1. The Fans Have Been Waiting For YEARS

Hannibal Mads Mikkelsen
Sony Pictures Television

The Hannibal fandom - bless them - have been waiting for more of this show for close to five years now.

They've been swinging the show's banner constantly throughout that time, rallying everyone around the #SaveHannibal hashtag and ensuring that the series stays in the public's eye. Without that level of fan campaigning, I'm genuinely curious as to whether or not we'd still be talking about the prospect of a fourth season today, regardless of however well received it was with critics.

For every year since Hannibal's cancellation, there's been talk that a revival is close to happening. Fuller wants it, the actors want it, and obviously the fans want it. All that's left is for the series to keep accruing interest, a network to declare an interest and for MGM to (fingers crossed) provide access to the characters from The Silence of the Lambs.

It really does seem like a case of hoping for all the stars to align for Hannibal to ever return, but as long as the fans keep spreading the word, there's still a chance of it happening. For them, the show's return would be amazing, and is one of the main reasons why it needs to happen.


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Hannibal Mads Mikkelsen

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.