7 Reasons Why I Am Not Okay With This Season 2 Must Happen

5. It's Aesthetic

I Am Not Okay With This

Tonally, I Am Not Okay With This had a lot to balance and did it well. But it's the aesthetic of the series that really draws you in.

It feels like the look of an early Springsteen song, where he sang about economic pain and the struggles of the working-class, with plenty of rust and Americana to really give the audience a tactile feel of what the whole place is like. Yet, with Jonathan Entwistle's direction, it felt like the look of any place that has been left behind by modern times and therefore could have been anywhere. Which is why it resonated with so many people upon its release.

The dry and uninspired surroundings of these inspired characters were very similar to the other show that Jonathan Entwistle directed, The End Of The ****ing World. Which in an era where a lot of Netflix's projects look the same, was a welcome change of pace on the show's visual style.

Few shows have ever really been able to harmonise their surroundings with the tone but I Am Not Okay With This was one of them.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.