7 Reasons Why I Am Not Okay With This Season 2 Must Happen

4. The Mystery At Its Heart

I Am Not Okay With This

The show has a huge mystery running through it, namely, what happened to Sydney's father really? Along with, who is the person in black?

It's a mystery that grips the whole series and never relents, you want to know more and more as it unfolds gently in front of you. It becomes clear that Sydney's father, who she was very close to, was a troubled man that is said to have committed suicide in the show. He is also implied to be the person that Sydney inherited her abilities from, and as we see her find out more and more about a life she thought she knew, it only pulls you in further.

Who is the man in black and what is he in relation to Sydney and her powers? It was all ready to be addressed in the following series but as of yet hasn't had the chance.

It is clear that the show expected a second season to explain all this, and it got one initially, but now that it appears to be over it feels like Netflix really did have little further choice but to cancel the series when even they would have liked to have made another.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.