7 Reasons Why I Am Not Okay With This Season 2 Must Happen

3. Sophia Lillis

I Am Not Okay With This

As with any series focused on one person, without a captivating lead, I Am Not Okay With This just would have fallen apart.

However, with Sophia Lillis' lead performance she holds it together brilliantly. She never allows Sydney to fall into melodrama, or fail to show off her idiosyncratic emotions that often get the better of her. She brings real emotion to Sydney and what she is going through, she seems to understand that Sydney isn't somebody who relishes her life and the arrival of her abilities just makes that life much harder for her.

She is already struggling to really communicate with her best friend and her Mom without having to keep her secret from them too. Her relationship with Stanley is also troubling to her, as she begins to further understand her sexuality and what she wants as a person, Stanley falls into the bracket of between friend and consigliere. Her brief relationship with him only serves to inform her of who she is and the pair find it difficult to rectify that.

On the base of Lillis's performance alone, as she expertly juggles the hardships of Sydney's life, it deserves another season.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.