7 Times The Arrowverse Missed The Mark

5. Black Flash

Arrowverse CW
The CW

When he first thundered his way onto the screen, Hunter Zoloman, aka Zoom, proved to be one of the best villains of The Flash. Teddy Sears played a brilliant rogue who had an extra level of torment for Barry Allen thanks to the whole fake Jay Garrick scenario Zoom had conjured up.

The powers-that-be could have kept a threat that was cunning and menacing when it came to this fantastic enemy of Grant Gustin's Scarlet Speedster. Instead, Hunter was turned into the Black Flash after being imprisoned in the Speed Force - and, rather than being portrayed by an actor who is flesh and bone, Black Flash is entirely constructed out of CGI.

Being an all-CGI villain means that there’s no need for Teddy anymore, and this means that the show wasted a really good actor who added a lot to The Flash. The CW should have made Black Flash an entirely new threat that could have been an excellent villain for the third season of the series and creating a far better Season Three 'big bad' than the confusing storyline that was Savitar.

With Black Flash as his own entity, this could have escalated the danger of being a Speedster as Black Flash could have picked them off one by one.

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