8 Ways Better Call Saul Can Bring Breaking Bad Characters Back

2. Jesse Pinkman

Might Better Call Saul expound on what became of Walt€™s one-time lab assistant/presumed successor/victim/partner/friend? Jesse€™s journey from half-assed meth cook to self-pitying junkie to maybe, just maybe, some sort of peace was just as much a part of Breaking Bad€™s make-up as Walter€™s own transformation. Unlike with Walt, however, the show€™s final moments left the door open for Jesse€™s eventual return. Also, unlike Walt€™s descent into darkness, Jesse€™s own arc was, upon occasion, less than compelling; Season 3, for instance, was characterised by an awful lot of moping following the death of his paramour Jane. Understandable, sure; dramatically interesting, not so much. As such, were Jesse to appear in Better Call Saul, the show could leverage his exit from Breaking Bad €“-literally screaming off into the night - to really set in motion its sequel element. With present-day Saul currently €˜tasched up and hiding out in Nebraska, who better to bring him back into the world of crime than Walt€™s former accomplice? Saul can€™t just hang around that Cinnabon - no matter how bleakly stylish it all looks in black and white - and, however interesting his origin story may be, eventually the show€™s gonna need to start looking to the future. Breaking Bad 2: The Hunt for Heisenberg€™s Gold, anyone?


Robert Wallis hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.