7 Ways The Greatest Show In The Galaxy Is The Most Meta Doctor Who Ever

4. "You€™re Only Interested In Endings"

These words, from the Doctor to the Gods of Ragnarok as he €œentertains€ them towards the climax of the story, are directed not at the Gods themselves, perhaps, but more at the viewers of Doctor Who. Not the fans - well perhaps a certain subset of them - but at the general viewership of television and perhaps even the critics. After all, what better entertainment is there than to see something fail, to watch it flail about in its death throes and die an ignominious death? Not literally, although the Gods certainly wouldn€™t mind that, but in terms of the ending of a long running TV show. People tend to get overexcited. There had been speculation for a long time about whether Doctor Who was too old and tired to continue and so naturally people were beginning to ask when not if the show would be cancelled - meaning that audiences and critics were becoming more interested in the ending of the show rather than the show itself.

R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.