7 Worst Politicians In Doctor Who

3. Borusa

Doctor Who The Sound Of Drums Prime Minister Harold Saxon the Master

Another Time Lord who assumed the role of Lord President of Gallifrey, Borusa wasn't much better at this job than the Doctor was. While he's not completely rotten in his earlier, pre-presidency appearances in the classic series, this doesn't hold true for very long, and in 1983's The Five Doctors, he's actually the full-on antagonist of the story.

Here, Borusa's presidential power has driven him totally mad, and he doesn't just want to rule for the remainder of his regenerations - he wants to rule for all eternity, and to that end, he uses several Doctors to help him uncover the secret of immortality.

Along the way, he hypnotises the Fifth Doctor and uses him as his puppet, gets the Fourth Doctor trapped inside the time vortex, and also brings in the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Master for good measure. It's all a bit of a mess, really.

Considering how stubborn and egotistical Borusa had become, his thirst for eternal life and power would've been a big problem for the universe had he managed to achieve it, but ultimately, his quest is brought to an end when he's tricked by Rassilon and frozen in stone for the rest of his days. Immortality achieved - sort of.

And while we're on the subject of Rassilon...

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