7 Worst Politicians In Doctor Who

2. Rassilon

Doctor Who The Sound Of Drums Prime Minister Harold Saxon the Master
BBC Studios

While freezing the corrupt Borusa in stone doesn't make Rassilon an out-and-out bad guy, he's painted as a much more villainous figure in his later NuWho appearances.

The End Of Time finds Rassilon in the role of Lord President of Gallifrey, showing his actions during the final days of the Time War. Here, he devises a plan to save Gallifrey from destruction by annihilating all of creation (thus ending the war), while he and the other Time Lords safely "ascend" to become beings of pure consciousness.

Whatever the heck that means.

Though this plan is foiled by the Tenth Doctor, Rassilon is so determined to save his own skin that he doesn't mind tearing the universe apart to achieve that goal, which is completely psychotic of him to suggest, and a blatant misuse of his power.

And speaking of misusing power, Rassilon returned a few series later, where he once again prioritised his own self-interests over the wellbeing of other people.

Fearing the coming of the Hybrid and desiring more information about it, Rassilon traps the Doctor inside a confession dial, a torture session that stretches on for a whopping four billion years. Rassilon's scheming also leads to the death of Clara Oswald, which in turn leads to the Doctor's brief, chaotic stint as Gallifrey's president.

"Power-mad" and "selfish" perfectly describe Rassilon in these NuWho stories, but since he was banished in Hell Bent - and since the Time Lords turned against him - it's highly unlikely that he'll ever become Gallifrey's president in the future.

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