8 Bizarre TV Pilots That Were Doomed To Fail

5. The Adventures Of Superpup

Though you'd be forgiven for believing that strange, outlandish TV pilots are the product of the huge amount of opportunities afforded by the abundance of television networks and the advent of the internet, you'd also be wrong. Weird ideas for television shows have been around for a lot longer than you'd think. Take The Adventures Of Superpup, for example, which was made in 1958. The show was supposed to take advantage of the success of the television series Adventures Of Superman, which starred George Reeves as the titular hero. For some reason, producer Whitney Ellsworth thought it would be a good idea to transplant the Superman story into a world inhabited by nothing but dogs. But it gets better. Clark Kent became Bark Bent, he worked for Terry Bite and his co-worker was called Pamela Poodle. In the first episode, Bark Bent fights against the nefarious Professor Sheepdip. Yeah...that was never going to work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LhIuetbjgg
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