8 Classic Doctor Who Monsters Who Should Make A Return

1. The Sea Devils

Doctor Who villains

The Sea Devils first appeared in a Third Doctor serial of the same name, which saw The Master playing both sides of a conflict between UNIT and a recently awakened Sea Devils colony. The story has some fantastic plotting and even features a sword duel between The Doctor and The Master. The Sea Devils themselves are even related to The Silurians, who saw a return to the modern series during series five.

It's a surprise that the Sea Devils haven't been bought back already. Like The Silurians, there are supposed to be colonies all around the world under the sea just waiting to be awoken. Doctor Who often tackles modern day issues, and an adventure including the Sea Devils could very easily be used to explore the issue of sea pollution (similar to Series 12's Praxeus).

Or if the writers wanted they could even tie the story directly to the events of the original Sea Devil serial. By the end of the story, the Sea Devils are destroyed by the humans. Perhaps return Sea Devils could return and put The Doctor on trial for the hand they played in the massacre. The only issue would be possibly treading the same ground the series five Silurian story.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.