8 Classic Doctor Who Monsters Who Should Make A Return

2. The Axons

Doctor Who villains

The Axons are a strange race of metallic, golden humanoids who can turn their appearance into a horrifying collection of veins, tentacles and other body parts. When transformed, they really do have one of the most horrific monster designs of Classic Who.

They originally appeared in The Claws of Axos, a Third Doctor serial which also featured the Master. The Axons arrive on Earth hoping to trade technology for fuel, but have more sinister intentions. The Doctor is able to save the day and the Axons are teleported off of Earth, but it is a little strange that they never return.

During his run as The Doctor, Peter Capaldi even voiced interest in the Axons returning but unfortunately he never got to face them during his period as The Doctor. It would be a shame not to bring these monsters back, as even though they only appeared in one Doctor Who serial they've managed to stick in the minds of Doctor Who fans for decades now.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.