8 Creepiest Twin Peaks Moments
3. Meanwhile
Another piece of Red Room madness provides one of the most unsettling scenes in TV history, and most definitely one of the most blood-curdling screams ever captured on film.
Cooper is doing some dream-spelunking in the Red Room when he comes across our friend The Man From Another Place. Yet, this time he looks much more nefarious than usual. His eyes are blotted with blue cataracts, and as the camera pans, we find the deceased Laura Palmer re-animated and screaming, running towards the camera.
The sheer anguish and terror in Sheryl Lee's voice reverberates as the camera strobes on her demonic face. Cooper is forced to run from the room as a gruesome flash of his enemy Windom Earle's wrinkled, warped face appears. The Red Room, once considered aloof and almost comical, is now transformed into a living nightmare.
Only two words are uttered in this scene, "Doppelgänger" and "Meanwhile," - yet it still manages to stick in your mind and make you ponder the rest of the unsolved mystery. What is the nature of the demonic possession in The Black Lodge, and what is the significance of the small dancing man? Is everybody possessed?
The lack of constitution only makes this scene more confusing and thrilling.