Created by Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker, the television sketch show The Two Ronnies featured a Christmas Special sketch in 1984 called The Adventures of Archie. Archie, played by Ronnie Corbett, is transported back in time to a deserted island by a magical genie. Unable to get back to London, Archie relaxes into a life of relative comfort - assisted by some female company created by the genie. His rescue comes with the reassuring sound of the TARDIS, albeit one piloted by a scarecrow. In a reference double whammy, Ronnie Barker appears as Jon Pertwee's incarnation of the Doctor but is dressed as Worzel Gummidge (Jon Pertwees second most famous television role) - a scarecrow that comes to life (who seemed jut as confused as the audience as to which character he was supposed to be playing, at one point believing himself to be the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz!). Eventually, Archie realises he can steal the TARDIS and makes it back to London, apparently leaving the Doctor stranded on the desert island which was rather careless. To be honest, though, real companions have done far worse...