8 Doctor Who Parodies You Didn’t Know Existed

7. New Zealand Superannuation Services

Tom Baker Advert Everyone has seen those €œOver 50€ plans advertised on the television but you probably haven€™t seen one that was advertised by the Doctor (although at apprixomately 900 years old, give or take a few hundred, he really should start saving something...). This unlikely sales advert for New Zealand Superannuation Services, which is a fortnightly payment for people aged 65 and over, is actually as recent as 1997. Tom Baker, in his role as the fourth incarnation of the Doctor, is seen running into the TARDIS from an unknown enemy and, looking directly into the camera, tells the viewer that if they €œplan for the future, they€™ll be prepared for anything€, following the advice with the rather poorly written line: €œYou don€™t need a Gallifreyan time capsule or even a Sonic Screwdriver to shape the future". Yikes. The phone number to call, materializing on the screen in garish green, was 0800-TARDIS (and if that isn€™t the number that Missy gave to Clara then Steven Moffat has missed a trick!).
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Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.