Created by producer Bill Dare and developed with Jon Holmes, Andy Hurst and Simon Blackwell, Dead Ringers was a sketch show that focused almost entirely on imitation and parody, predominantly due to actor and impressionist Jon Culshaws impressive range. The Fourth Doctor was the most parodied and the sketches range from attempts to get on a train-sporter, otherwise known as the Eurostar, and telling passengers that he travels in space and time... and trains to buying a wardrobe that the Doctor believes is a TARDIS. However, other Doctors received similar treatment. Christopher Ecclestones version of the Time Lord was parodied often, remarking in one sketch that his adventures had become remarkably easy because he could gain all the information needed about his upcoming challenges beforehand because the plot was revealed in Radio Times and Doctor Who Confidential, so much so that the Doctor could "phone the rest of the show in" and focus on watching the World Cup. The shows most recent Doctor Who related sketch, before its cancellation in 2007, featured Jon Culshaw as Tony Blair talking about his resignation as leader of the Labour party and chancellor Gordon Brown becoming the next Prime Minister. After many disparaging comments about Browns ability to lead the country, the Prime Minister eventually concludes that the only way to ensure the country is kept in safe hands is to keep going. With that, Culshaw collapses and regenerates into David Tennant who remarks, Hmmm, New Labour... that's weird, a reference to one of Tennants first lines ("New teeth... that's weird.) Still, after the Master took control of the country, under the guise of Mr Saxon, the British public wouldnt't too eager for another Time Lord to be leading the nation.