8 Doctor Who Parodies You Didn’t Know Existed

1. I'm Gonna Spend My Christmas With A Dalek

Christmas Dalek In 1964, a band called The Go Go€™s released a single called I€™m Gonna Spend My Christmas With A Dalek in which a little girl recounts how she€™s going to... well, the lyrics speak for themselves: "I'm gonna spend my Christmas with a Dalek and hug him underneath the mistletoe. And if he's very nice, I'll feed him sugar spice and hang Christmas stocking from his big lead toe. And when we both get up on Christmas morning, I'll kiss him on his chromium-plated head. And take him in to say hi to Mum, and frighten daddy out of his bed..." The song was made to capitalise on the Dalekmania, the popularity of all things Dalek, which had taken over Britain alongside their debut in the series in the 1960s. Unfortunately, the song€™s influence petered out as Dalekmania slowly came to a halt at the end of the decade but it's till probably going to be the only time you€™ll hear a Dalek say €œI love you€ (or, perhaps more impressively, €œPlease may I have some more plum pudding and custard?€). What do you think of this list? Are there any other Doctor Who parodies? Leave 'em in the comments below!
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Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.