8 Doctor Who Villains NOT Improved In The Reboot

6. Emperor Of The Daleks

Doctor Who Rose Dalek

The Emperor of the Daleks who appeared in Bad Wolf and the Parting of the Ways was, unfortunately, a bit of an underwhelming 'big bad' to the first season. While the design is definitely impressive, there is no reason for this Dalek to be, other than for Rose and the Doctor to have something to react against. While this may seem like a harsh critique, one must think back to the Emperor's previous incarnation on-screen.

There are at least two Emperors at any one time. In Remembrance of the Daleks, Davros is revealed to be acting as Emperor to an off-shoot group of Daleks. While this version may not look that flashy thanks to the limited budget afforded to Doctor Who in the eighties, Davros himself has always been a far more compelling character than the creatures he created.

The creature that faced the Ninth Doctor was another case of throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the screen, hoping that it would make for something fantastic. Yes, the design was awesome and it was menacing, but no more menacing than the Daleks surrounding it. The next time that the Doctor encountered a 'government' ship of Daleks, it was the Parliament in Asylum of the Daleks. There was no Emperor to be found, suggesting that even these evil beings had realized bigger isn't always better.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick