8 Doctor Who Villains NOT Improved In The Reboot

4. The Time Lords

Doctor Who Rose Dalek

To be very clear, no one is about to say that Timothy Dalton wasn't spectacular as Rassilon in The End of Time parts 1 and 2, and with the greatest of respect to Donald Sumpter, this has yet to be surpassed. However, there is a simple fact that is hard to ignore in the revival of Doctor Who: These Time Lords are idiots.

While they can't really be blamed for how the Time War turned out, with the Daleks taking a rather large portion of the responsibility for that one, the fact that none of them even considered freezing Gallifrey was a bit of a red flag. Then, of course, there was their return, which itself was stilted. Why did they decide to lock the Doctor in a confession dial rather than simply asking him about the Hybrid?

Then of course there is the fact that they were all destroyed with ease by the Master. It took a billion, billion Daleks to almost break their defences before, yet the Master does it overnight?

The Time Lords of old controlled time completely, with a far better understanding of how to manipulate the Doctor into doing their bidding. The Time War itself was a fantastic narrative idea, though the fallout didn't do them many favours.

Once again, Timothy Dalton - amazing.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick