8 Doctor Who Villains NOT Improved In The Reboot
2. The Macra
This Second Doctor villain returned to New New York in the third season episode Gridlock. Here they have somewhat devolved from their earlier incarnation, appearing as mindless, destructive brutes that prey on hovercars that get too close to the bottom of the highway. They live on the exhaust fumes and serve no other plot to the story than to be menacing.
Their appearance, rendered in CGI, is not quite as bad as the Nestene entry from earlier on this list, although it's not a million miles off. Now, having said that, all four episodes of The Macra Terror have been lost to time, so it is not their appearance that puts them on this list. It is the fact that there really is no point to them.
in The Macra Terror, the colony that the Doctor, Jamie, Ben, and Polly find themselves on is an Orwellian nightmare, pushing people into contentment through fear of these beasts, along with mental conditioning. These creatures are genuinely frightening, in one of early Doctor Who's most child-testing stories to air before the watershed. Here, they served a point and they were menacing. They absolutely should have returned in the revival, though they were given a very raw deal.