8 Greatest TV Battles That Ever Hit The Screen

6. Game Of Thrones – Hardhome

Wight children Game of Thrones

If there's one thing Game Of Thrones excels at, it's battle sequences. The first takes place in the season two episode Blackwater, as Stannis Baratheon attempts to overthrow King's Landing with explosive consequences.

Even now, though, there aren't a massive number of them, which makes their rare appearances all the more special. Ever since season four, it's become sort of expected that there'll be at least one per season, and season five's Hardhome is no exception. The close of the episode sees Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane and a mixture of Night's Watch members and Free Folk go up against an army of White Walkers and wights. That's one of the things that makes it so great: the fight comes at the very end, after a whole episode worth of gradually ascending tension, which sees Jon and Co. nervously attempt to win over the remaining wildlings.

When the White Walkers show up the tension cracks and all hell breaks loose. After five seasons of bigging the White Walkers up as the ultimate villain, seeing just what they're capable of is terrifying. Hundreds of wildlings are killed and Jon goes to toe to toe with a Walker, using the valyrian steel sword Longclaw to bring him down. The final shot of the Night King raising hundreds of dead wildings into wights will go down as one of the most chilling in Thrones' history.

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